The Best Summer Travel Snacks

Travel snacks for the summer
Travel snacks for the summer

Thank you to Leslie McDonald (@balanced_life_leslie) for this fun and informative post! As we start to plan our summer journeys, we have so much to think about… Leslie has taken care of one thing for all of us: which travel snacks to pack!

Onward to the Beach

Does anyone else pack their travel snacks before their clothes? For me, deciding which healthy eats to bring with me is always more fun!

I’m headed to the beach tomorrow, a full week away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the stress of work, the constant planning of events, and appointments and meetings. And in a week, I’ll be with my family and friends, while Sadie and I can take morning walks on the ocean!

Now, I also know there’s going to be the amazing grilling of grass fed meat going on this week and some delicious, fresh seafood to keep me full and happy. This will be paired along with lots of fresh salads, vegetables, and fruit. But, a girl can’t leave behind her snacks!

Staying Away from Processed Foods

I don’t always love eating processed foods. But it’s better to bring along gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free snacks for emergency situations. I would much rather eat a few snack bars than go hungry while all of my friends have pizza and ice cream. Don’t get me wrong, I would love the ice cream, but it’s never worth the stomach aches, bloating, acne, and brain fog that comes along with it. So, I always carry a few snacks with me so I don’t feel left out or hungry. You always have to be prepared for the unexpected.

A Few of the Must-Haves

I keep granola, hemp seeds, collagen, and clean eats bars for the on-the-go emergencies (or days when I refuse to leave the beach because it’s too nice out to go home and eat!). I also bring  mushroom coffee, @daily_harvest smoothie mixes (so I don’t have to bring every fruit and veggie with me), and lots of almond butter because you never leave home without nut butter!

What are your favourite travel foods?

About Leslie McDonald

Guest blogger, Leslie McDonald, is an accomplished writer, health enthusiast, and culinary creator. She was born and raised in New York and has a passion for excitement, health, and wellness. She has contributed many recipes to Entomo Farms and is an avid entomophagist, helping to spread the word about eating insects and other great things for your health through her amazing website and social media channels. Follow her blog and on Instagram for more insight and info! @balaced_life_leslie

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