Entomo Farms: Supporting Students of All Ages

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Entomophagy, eat insects, eat bugs, edible insects, edible bugs, cricket powder, cricket flour, insect powder, insect flour, mealworm powder, mealworm flour, sustainable, superfood, eat clean, future of food, bug flour, cricket protein, cricket protein powder,
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Entomo Farms Supports Students

After reading about Entomo Farms and Entomophagy in the latest Time for Kids magazine publication, this student did a presentation on edible insects and offered samples from Entomo Farms as well as “I ate a bug!” stickers from Ento Education for people to wear. She had a lot of people who stopped by her exhibit and sample or at least listen and learn. There were a few parents who tried to excuse themselves with “Oh, I can’t eat gluten!” but she had saved the original packaging, (showing that the crickets were indeed, gluten-free), and they became converts.


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