Cooking with Crickets: Deconstructing Dinner

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Cooking With Crickets

Edible insects have been making headlines here in North America for the past few years now. At first the reception was a little less than warm, but now not only are people more willing to try them, many are actually excited by the possibilities they bring. For all those foodies out there, home chefs, famous chefs and culinary students, not only do edible insects provide us with nutritious, sustainable food, they also provide us with unlimited options for experimentation and exploration.

This ‘new’ ingredient works well with so many different flavours, whether savoury or sweet, and here in North America, we have really just started scratching the surface of discovery.

Jason Malloff, Chef and Owner of Cabin Restaurant in Kootenay B.C. prepared an insect-themed dinner as part of the Deconstructing Dinner Film Festival. He prepared smoked crickets, and was experimenting with how mealworms might taste with meat and potatoes.

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Jason Malloff is Making Fine Cuisine out of Insects



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