Photo of a farm building set in a field.

What People are Saying about our Food.

Photo of a young man, with a beard, holding two large dumbbells in a gym.

I’m always looking for the best new thing in protein and protein supplements – I add cricket powder to my smoothie every morning, it adds a bit of a nutty flavor to my shake and gives me the blast of power that I need for my morning workout.

- Mohomad Body Builder
28 year old, L.A.

Photo of a young woman wearing exercise clothes, stretching before her workout.

I’ve been adding cricket powder to my home-baked cookies and banana bread for months now. My kids are such picky eaters, and I was so worried that they never got any protein, calcium or iron in their diets. Now, they are getting all the nutrition they need!

- Arielle The National 100k Championship winner.


Our Top 3 Cricket Powder Smoothie Recipes

There’s something special about a smoothie—the combination of your favourite flavours and ingredients. From tropical fruits to decadent chocolate and nut butters, anything goes, making

Salsa with Cricket Powder

Cricket Powder Salsa Ingredients: 1 can diced tomatoes drained Half orange pepper Half green pepper Handful of fresh cilantro 3-4 cloves of Garlic Half purple

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