DIY Summer Salad with Waxworms and Cricket Dressing


I don’t know about you, but when I look out my window, summer seems like a faraway dream. For goodness sake, over here in Toronto, Ontario, it hasn’t stopped snowing since early Saturday morning! Brrr! I thought to myself, what better way to bring the summer to us than by making a sunny summer salad. […]

Cranberry Cricket Bark


A wonderful easy-to-make treat packed with cricket nutrition and antioxidants. The crunch of the nuts and roasted crickets  with the sweet cranberries and dark chocolate is sure to satisfy that sweet tooth! Try different nuts and goji berries to change it up, feel free to double or triple the recipe and freeze for later. Cranberry […]

Banana Cricket Bread


Banana Cricket Bread This banana cricket bread is so moist, and so delicious, that I’m just warning you up front… you’re going to want to make two, because this hunk of awesomeness will be gone before it even has a chance to cool off! Made with Next Millennium Farms Protein 2050 Organic Cricket Flour Makes […]