The Best Summer Travel Snacks

Travel snacks for the summer

Thank you to Leslie McDonald (@balanced_life_leslie) for this fun and informative post! As we start to plan our summer journeys, we have so much to think about… Leslie has taken care of one thing for all of us: which travel snacks to pack! Onward to the Beach Does anyone else pack their travel snacks before […]

Deficient in B12: Are You the 40%?

There are many signs of being deficient in B12.

How many people do you think are deficient in B12 in North America? Higher. Higher. You’re almost there… 40%! Studies show that a whopping 40% of us are walking around with a serious B12 deficiency. Why is B12 Important? But why do we care? Why do we even need B12? B12 plays many important roles […]

Eating Insects Detroit Conference

Eating Insects Detroit Conference No one knew quite what to expect. The Eating Insects Detroit Conference that took place from May 26-28th at Wayne State University was set to be the first of its kind. All the rock stars of the entomophagy industry were together in the same place at the same time, for the […]