Ideacity at the Ontario Science Centre


The Future of Food and Ideacity Ideacity, also known as Moses Znaimer’s Conference, is taking place this week at the Ontario Science Centre from June 15-17th. Join a host from the Ontario Science Centre as she talks about The Future of Food! Entomo Farms supports the Ontario Science Centre @ideacity by providing them with […]

Teaching Teachers about Entomophagy

Entomo Farms, The future of foods, Sustainable, Food, Cricket Powder, Powder, Protein, Future, Crickets, Eating, Recipes, Roasted, Sustainability, Planet, Entomology , food, Water, Organic, Biologic, Delicious, Mealworms, Mealworm Powder, Mealworm Protein, feed

Inspiration and education are two important themes when being a teacher. Teacher candidate at Queen’s University in Ontario, Jeremy, approached Entomo Farms, and asked us to sponsor an educational event that he wanted to run about entomophagy as a part of a larger unit about sustainable farming, waste and the environment. Entomo Farms supplied him […]